Best Rated in Toronto

List of Famous Toronto Places & People

Best People in Toronto

Toronto is the home to many famous Canadians.

Best Toronto People

Toronto has the world’s most talented stars, entrepreneurs, and athletes. These individuals have left their influence in history, and their achievements deserve recognition. We’ll talk about the best people in Toronto and the legacies that they leave behind.

Famous people who live in Toronto include Drake, The Weeknd, and Margaret Atwood.

Famous People Who Live in Toronto

Discover all the famous people who live in Toronto! Find out which celebrities, singers, and actors call this city their home.
Famous people from Toronto include Drake, Jim Carrey, The Weeknd, and Catherine O'Hara.

Most Famous People from Toronto

Discover the most famous people from Toronto, including actors, singers & athletes. See the list of popular Canadian celebrities and learn about their stories.
Famous mayors in Toronto include Olivia Chow, John Tory, and Rob Ford.

Most Famous Mayors of Toronto

Discover the most famous mayors of Toronto and their legacies. See the list of Toronto mayors and learn about their accomplishments after winning the election.